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The Business Caring Formula

Jul 24, 2018

Emma Arakelyan speaking at IUBH University Berlin about the Business Caring Formula.

Jul 4, 2018

A unique opportunity meeting with Michelle Moore from Toronto, Canada.

Michelle is the founder of MindEQuity, helping organizations cultivate 21st century competencies like empathy, collaborative learning & creativity……all in service of humane innovation and holistic transformation. Central to this work is MIT's...

Jul 4, 2018

Engaging interview with Suzanne Bernier

Suzanne is a certified, award-winning and internationally-recognized crisis management executive, she is in demand speaker and an author. She has helped governments, communities and companies plan for, respond to, and recover from disasters for over twenty years. She was recently...

Jul 2, 2018

Interview with Dr. Vivienne Ming.

I had in person interview with Dr. Vivienne Ming in New York City, in the center of big apple. Her life story and her experiences are unique and this episode will absolutely blow you away. Vivienne Ming is a theoretical neuroscientist, entrepreneur, futurist, and passionate advocate...